Selamat datang di! Kami adalah sumber terkini untuk informasi seputar talent, manajemen talent, dan berita terbaru di berbagai industri. Didirikan dengan visi untuk menghubungkan para talenta berbakat dengan peluang yang tepat, serta menyediakan berita terupdate untuk menjaga Anda tetap terinformasi.

We Help You Boost
Your Brand

FYP Media -

Trusted By

Our Commitment

Our Commitment

FYP Media is a proud Indonesian talent management company and has been building international influencers across the globe since 2018.

We have partnered with other companies and individuals from multiple industries to ensure that our services are not limited but growing. By helping brands navigate rapidly changing markets and pushing emerging businesses to be heard, we aim to create a solid digital communication that matters.

1 Billions +


12K +

Creative Talents

55 +



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Let's collaborate! Hire our team to speak at your event, advertise on our platforms, or appear on our show - any way you slice it, we'd love to work with you.

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